5 More Days Left!!

 Sesungguhnya perjalanan kami masih jauh Ya Allah.
Bantulah kami untuk sama2 menghadapi segala mehnaMU

Well, i started the countdown 51 days ago, but now only 5 more days left!! 

Walla! Time is running so fast....

What are my feelings right now? So many people asked me this question repeatedly, again and again. To be frank, so many feelings are there in my self at this moment. Some nervousness plus some excitement plus some this feeling,plus some that feeling and the list of feelings go on and on. 

Really hope everything run smoothly without any problem.InsyaAllah...

Allahumma yassir wa la tu'assir (O Allah,Make things easier for me and don't make them difficult)

Rabbanaa Atina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan waqina azabannar (O my our Lord: give us the goodness of this world and the goodness of the hereafter and save us from the punishment of fire).

Hey wait! Why am i suddenly writing in English?Angin kot. Please excuse me for any grammar and vocab mistakes ya.Ampun!

Ok...back to work! 4 set soalan final dah kena submit this monday. Dan 2 lagi set soalan perlu disiapkan untuk hari khamis dan jumaat untuk kelas pagi, test module terakhir.Alhamdulillah,wani is there to help me to handle that class, tq a lot wani!jasamu dikenang selamanya.

After that depa dah kena tunggu final ja. Then file2 depa pun harus dan wajib diperiksa sebelum pegawai datang. I just dont like to handle these files la.but no choice, it is my work after all!Ikhlaskan hati mu wahai cik siti.

Signing off. Will come here anytime any moment to write and share my feelings.So,be aware guys!

Ketika cinta bertasbih nadiku berdenyut merdu.Kembang kempis dadaku merangkai butir cinta.Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang. Sujud syukur pada-Mu atas segala cinta


YomahaYomaso said…
insyaALLAH tlg mana yg boleh..hari kita tak tau lagi macam mana..selagi boleh tolong aku tolong la...

perasaan tu mai seumur hidup sekali...enjoy je perasaaan tu...haha..betui ka ayat aku nih...esok2 mana tau rindu nk rasa apa yg hang duk rasa lani..positive ja aku..senang..haha...

insyaALLAH semua berjalan lancar..kita sama2 doa mengharapkan yg terbaik darinNYA...ameen
Ummu Umair said…
btui2,be positif and enjoy all the feelings rite now...kuikuik...

tu la, alhamdulillah hang byk tlg aku. insyaAllah time hang,aku akan usaha sedaya mampu utk tlg hang.. ;-)

and thanx for the doa...really need that..

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