
Showing posts from May, 2011

Menjangkau usia 28

Genap seminggu lalu (15/5/11) merupakan hari lahir cik siti yang ke 28. Alhamdulilla, banyak kegembiraan,nikmat dan rezeki yang Allah augerahkan buat diri cik siti. Alhamdulillah :) Diam tak diam, dah 28 rupanya umur cik siti yer. Br. Sadry selalu cakap, age is just a number,yang penting hati sentiasa muda. Lebih kurang gitulah kata salah seorang lecturer cik siti kat uia dulu. Patutlah cik siti sentiasa rasa muda sebab jiwa sentiasa muda.Perasan!hihi Ok...kali ni dapat 3 hadiah  daripada 3 insan istimewa : 1) Handbag dari suami tercinta. Terima kasih dear hubby, love the handbag very much ;-) 2) Dpt LCD TV dan yuran langganan ASTRO dari ibu tercinta.Unexpected. Thanx Mom :) 3) Dpt kain pasang ela dari mohhabatein tercinta, ibu razin. Sangat sweet dan cantik. Thank You cik ros,i lap u la...kuikuik 4) Dpt sebuah buku bertajuk "Siti Hajar" daripada seorang lagi mohabbatein kesayangan,wani. So sweet! TQ wani....:) Ehhh,lupa lak.Ada satu lagi hadiah teristimewa dari Allah b...

Happy Birthday Dear Hubby!

03/05/2011 was my hubby's birthday. I decided to present him two Zain Bikha's CD and Moist Chocholate Cake. Both of them are his favorites. Alhamdulillah he was happy with them ;-) Actually it was quite hard to find Zain Bikha's CD here in Penang. I heard that they are only available at Saba Islamic Media in KL. I have tried to ask my friend's help to get those CDs. Unfortunately, they were very busy :-(. So, I started to search Saba Islamic Media Website and Alhamdulillah I found this link Saba Online Store . And finally I bought two Zain Bikha's CD which are Zain Bhikha-Our World and "1415 The Beginning" Opening the gift And about the delicious Moist Choc Cake. I ordered the cake form Niza,my ex-officemate. Alhamdulillah the cake was very delicious. TQ niza...:) And people out there you can start to place your order right now! ;-D Yummy!!! Dear Hubby, Happy Birthday. May Allah Bless and guide you always. And may Allah Bless our marriage.Ame...